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Pricing - Employment

The head of Employment is Gerard Rooney (LLB Honours), Managing Director, who qualified as a Solicitor in 1980 after graduating with a Law Degree from Liverpool University. He is assisted by Kerry Greatorex, Litigation Executive.

Gerard's work is charged at an hourly rate of £325 plus VAT (at a rate of 20%) whilst Kerry's work is charged at an hourly rate of £195 plus VAT (at a rate of 20%). It may be possible to agree fee limits and to fix fees depending on the work involved.  This can be discussed and agreed at initial interview.

Fixed fee appointments are available at £160 plus VAT (at a rate of 20%) to include reviewing papers, and half hour face to face or telephone conference meetings.

The low cost fee for fixed fee meetings does not include time reviewing lengthy bundles of papers and does not include written advice.

For more information refer to A Guide to Standard Legal Costs and see later "What Happens Next".

(Unfair/Wrongful Dismissal)

See explanatory leaflet "A Guide to Settlement Agreements".


Services include :-

  • Initial fact find meeting or telephone conversation
  • Review documents including Contract, Job Description, policies if relevant
  • Client care letter with Terms of Business to include advice upon :
    • Prospects
    • Cost/benefit
    • Timescale

This service does not include engaging in correspondence/negotiations direct with employers.  See later in relation to costs "What Happens Next".


Services include :-

  • Initial fact meeting or telephone conversation
  • Review documents including Contract, Job Description, policies if relevant
  • Client care letter with Terms of Business to include advice upon :
    • Prospects
    • Cost/benefit
    • Timescale

This service does not include engaging in correspondence/negotiations direct with employees direct.

This service does not include work or advice in relation to Early Conciliation or claims in the Employment Tribunal.

Average time scale from instructions to final Employment Tribunal Hearing dependent on Employment Tribunals caseload but typically 180 days.

Follow the link to the Government website and see later in relation to costs "What Happens Next".



Starting an Employment Tribunal Claim

If you are unable to sort out a problem at work you may be able to make a claim to an Employment Tribunal. 

Average price for representation from initial instructions to Final Hearing £20,000 - £30,000 plus VAT(at a rate of 20%). No Court fee currently payable.

Process for an Employment Tribunal Claim

  • ET1 Claim Form

This is the Form you complete to start your claim which can be filled in online on the ET1 Form on gov.uk.  You could download and print a copy also.

We can help you to complete the Form ET1.  It should include a statement about your claim being a clear account/description of your complaint in numbered paragraphs by way of summary.

It should be written in plain language.

The typical cost for preparing Form ET1 is £1625 plus VAT (at a rate of 20%).

  • Time limits

There are very strict time limits for making a claim to an Employment Tribunal. In most cases you have 3 months less 1 day from the date of dismissal. There are different time limits for different situations.

Before you can proceed to the Employment Tribunal you must lodge your claim with ACAS and it will be referred under the “Early Conciliation” Scheme.

You must remember that if you appeal against your dismissal the time for lodging your claim runs from the date of termination of employment not from the date the appeal is decided. The date of dismissal is the date when you stop working out your notice. If in doubt ask your employer to specify the date in writing.

  • Submitting ET1 Claim Form

The ET1 Form must be received at the Tribunal Office within the time limits as most claims cannot continue if they arrive late. If you wish to pursue a claim act promptly and you can identify the relevant Tribunal Office at which to send your claim at www.justice.gov.uk

  • What happens next?

When you have sent in your Form ET1 Form you should check that the Tribunal Office has received it and you should then get a Notice of Acknowledgement fairly soon.

The Tribunal will send a copy of your Form ET1 to your employer who can respond by completing and sending a Form ET3. The employer is then called the Respondent and should file the Form ET3 within 28 days of receiving the Form ET1 Form.

The Tribunal may order the parties to prepare lists of documents and exchange them together with copies of relevant documents  (typical cost £1,750 plus VAT @ 20%) and/or to prepare and exchange written Witness Statements (typical cost £7,500 plus VAT @ 20%).

If the Tribunal provides time limits or dates by which steps should or must be taken then those time limits must be respected.

The Claimant can represent themselves in front of the Employment Tribunals. Many Claimants choose to instruct Solicitors and Barristers can also represent parties at Tribunals.

Further information may be obtained at




Information correct as at 29 January 2025.