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Diversity data


Click here to view our Diversity Data results 2023


  Equality & Diversity and Inclusion Policy

The firm does not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic/national origin, age, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability in deciding whether to accept instructions from clients, instructing counsel and other experts in the provision of services, or in the selection, recruitment, treatment and behaviour of staff.

Duty Solicitors employed by the firm carry out their duties in such a way so as not to discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, gender, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age or disability and regardless of the nature of any offence for which the client is under investigation or with which the client has been charged or previously convicted.

All job applicants and personnel in the firm receive equal treatment and are given equal opportunities.

Any breach of this policy will be treated by the directors as a disciplinary offence, and would result in an oral or written warning or possibly a dismissal (after investigation) depending on the seriousness of the breach.

All staff are registered on Access and have undertaken training on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.   On induction they are also asked to read this policy.

The firm will always consider making reasonable adjustments to benefit any disabled staff and clients who are at a substantial disadvantage as a result of their disability. When considering a reasonable adjustment we will take into account:

  • Any information gathered about staff and client disabilities.
  • How effective the reasonable adjustment would be at overcoming the person’s disability.
  • How practical the reasonable adjustment is to make.
  • The resources required to make the reasonable adjustment.
  • The disruption to others that may be caused by the reasonable adjustment.

Examples of reasonable adjustments the firm may make are:        

  • Providing larger monitors for staff who have difficulties with eyesight.
  • Where possible using ground floor meeting rooms and workstations for those who require them.
  • Communicating with a client through a representative if requested and authorised by the client to do so.
  • Allowing clients more time than usual to provide information and respond to communication, except where there is a statutory deadline that must be adhered to.
  • Providing documents in large print or on coloured paper when requested.
  • Visiting clients at home (free of charge if this is due to a disability).

The firm is strongly committed to operating in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the appropriate sections of the SRA handbook (http://www.sra.org.uk/handbook/) regarding equality and non-discrimination.